Monday, February 15, 2010

JIHAD! Lagu oleh Sajakiri


Lagu & Lirik :Zainal Zulia
Sajakiri Production

Sampaikan salamku
Para Mujahideen
Janjikan mereka
Dengan kemenangan

Bertasbihlah gemakanlah
Di dada mu
Dengan nama Tuhan (Bismillahir rahman nir rahim)

Sematkan di hati
Tuhankan bersama
Para hamba-Nya
Yang ikhlas berjuang
Menegakkan mengibarkan

Dengan izin-Tuhan (Insya-Allah)

Bahawa Dia
Bersama kita

Tuhan Maha Besar (Allahu-Akbar)

Siapa yang tahu
Mungkin esok hari
Terakhirnya kita
Hidup di dunia
Mulakanlah jihadmu saat ini
Syahid impianku

Ya Mujahideen
Gemakanlah dada mu dengan kalimah ini

Illahi Ya Rabbi Subhanallah

Nota Daripada Zainal (Sajakiri)



I always love heavy metal or thrash music, and I'm still listen to Metallica & Cromok. I love them all. And this song, i tried to 'modernized' the arrangement, so it would not sound as 'old-school' of 80's metal/hard rock song.

Btw, this song was my answer to Dewa 19's 'Pangeran Cinta'.

Understandably, my voice was 'not so suitable' for this kind of song. And yet it was very hard to find a rock-vocalist who had same vocal range as me. Plus my eagerness to publish this song, so i just take chance(risk?) to sing it myself.


I invited my best friend, Romizi from Dhuat to sing the zikr part. I love it. It is almost like nasyid, except it was blended with heavy guitar riffing. I think Romizi can relate with the song, as he is also a 'pro-Mujahiddeen'.

The video

This video created for Lebanese singer, Maher Zin. I always love to tell story in song, as it does stimulate most senses ; audio, sight , & heart. And this video was perfectly fit the song.

Enjoy. And understand.

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