Sunday, May 18, 2008

Akhlaq Munsyid

Nasheeds have changed from what they were at first.

Unfortunately nasheeds and munshids (nasheed-“singers”) have sunk to this level. Whereas nasheeds used to have meanings of faith, jihad and knowledge, they have now – in many cases – become akin to the songs of evildoers, with softening of the voice, putting a picture of the munshid on the cover of the tape, and making video clips to accompany the nasheed, which contain haraam things such as the presence of women or evildoers, and using musical instruments. The best of them nowadays are those that use sound effects that mimic the sound of musical instruments. No attention is paid to the meaning, rather all the attention is focused on the tune and other sound effects. Otherwise tell me how a munshid can produce a nasheed in English which the [Arab] listeners enjoy listening to so much even though they do not understand a single word of it?!

bacaan lanjut, sila ke

Ok ok saya bukan munsyid :) tetapi saya mempraktikkan disiplin ini, Alhamdulillah

When it comes to BOY-GIRL THING

1)YM. email semata untuk promote nasyid/blog sahaja dan tak lebih dari itu.
-STRICTLY DAKWAH-sebab itulah DHUAT sombong dan tak 'mesra alam'.
but when it comes to promote music,.....
(cousins on friendster, that's another story)
2)Kawan perempuan saya hanyalah 'mok usu'(pok usu disisinya) dan angkatonnya sahaja.
3)Suatu kelebihan juga kurang(diulangi:kurang)hensem, ini dapat mengelakkan 'FITNAH QUBRO'
4)Suaraku taklah semerdu mana, jadi tiadalah hujah 'DAYA PENARIK' disebabkan suaraku.
5)Nikah fitnah, tak nikah lagilah fitnah.
6)Paiji, i will follow you... :)

p/s:Untuk diri sendiri atau yang sewaktu denganku, MENIKAHLAH!

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